
I’ve been blind since birth. I know it’s a cliche when they say blind people can see things the seeing cannot, but it’s true. When you are unfettered with the blessing of sight the other senses are heightened. I can *see* our house in my mind using touch, sound and smell. Read more »

Do I Regret Anything?

I contemplate my life as I lay in the hospital bed. I know these are my last days. *Do I regret anything?* *Maybe.* I was bodyguard to the president before his impeachment, after that an enforcer for the mob. I guess, that is what I am most known for, and maybe that is what I… Read more »


I have obsessive compulsive disorder. I’m not a germaphobe or a checker, I just really hate odd numbers. It’s hard to explain, I just don’t feel right and I have to rectify it. I see one shoe on the floor, I have to find the other before the anxiety becomes unbearable. I buy food in pairs. I have two cars, even though I only use one. Read more »


I looked at the face staring back at me in the mirror and sighed. Its leathery skin made me look old. The holes for eyes appeared like they were cut by a maniac; no that will not do at all. Read more »

Please Forgive Me: An Act of Charity

I’m a people watcher; a hobby that lends itself to a barista such as me. The coffee shop I run looks out on main street, a typical urban carriageway; large glass windows frame the human traffic passing. It was from here that I watched a daily ritual performed by a regular customer, just a sweet bit of charity, but now I wish I hadn’t. Read more »